Wildflower Set : Christmas Bouquet (Flowers/Colors may Vary)


Brand Switchables

Take the guess work out of your forever flower bouquet with a pre designed set. This is a set of  9 flowers - Please note that the designs and colors will vary due to stock. 

Colors in reds, white, and dark greens - the perfect holiday cheer. 

Our Always in Bloom Flowers and cut, foiled, and then soldered to a 2mm copper wire- which has been electroplated to keep a shiny silver finish.  We recommend using floral foam or decorative filler sand in your favorite vase at home.  (Vase Not Included) 

To Clip to your desired length - please carefully trim with heavy duty wire cutters. The stem is a 2mm copper wire which has then been electroplated.  If trimmed or bent, please note this item is non returnable. 

 Always in Bloom is a subsidiary of Switchables LLC

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