Wildflower Set : Fall Bouquet (Flowers/Colors may Vary)


Brand Switchables

Take the guess work out of your forever flower bouquet with a pre designed set. This is a set of 10 flowers - Please note that the designs and colors will vary due to stock. 

Colors in reds, yellows, oranges and golds ready to brighten your room all season long. 

Our Always in Bloom Flowers and cut, foiled, and then soldered to a 2mm copper wire- which has been electroplated to keep a shiny silver finish.  We recommend using floral foam or decorative filler sand in your favorite vase at home.  (Vase Not Included) 

To Clip to your desired length - please carefully trim with heavy duty wire cutters. The stem is a 2mm copper wire which has then been electroplated.  If trimmed or bent, please note this item is non returnable. 

 Always in Bloom is a subsidiary of Switchables LLC

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